Write what?
I don't know, do you?

I don't really know what I'm doing here. I get confused by my curiosity. I love many awesome things, such as: Making and creating Dance, Producing and writing Music, Stage Management, Project Management, Reading Books and blogging about them, DJ-ing, mixing records and songs together to create a journey of sonic beauty, podcasting, the list goes on and on. I don't know which one to pick, which one to pursue, many people I have spoken to in the past have differing opinions on this subject and to what leads to the best outcomes for ones career.
But what is better? Doing many things that interest you or specialising in one particular area? If I was to do just the one, I'd always be wondering and day dreaming about the others. Is it better to do one thing and be the best, trying to excel in that chosen field? Or is it better to be amateur across many aspects of the creative spectrum and fill that curiosity void of "what if's".
I'm not entirely sure, from a consensus of creators on social media and the web or from voices of family and friends. I've heard people talk about how doing too many things doesn't allow you to be truly present with the one thing you are working on at the time. But then on the other hand, some say that these creative avenues all link and can become an incredible smorgasbord of deliciousness, that can ultimately all influence each other, a mind map of the curious individual. Avenues of possibility for friendships, cashflow and legacy.
These "what if's" scare me if I don't at least try them out, otherwise I'll never know what they were like, if they were for me or if I was close to finding my calling. I'm not a 100% sure that I have worked out what my calling is yet, all of them bring me joy in their own way, and as long as I am happy trying them, then that's great. I'm getting to a point now where I am beginning to accept my curiosity as something worth sticking with, I'm beginning to understand that maybe being amateur at a lot of things that I enjoy is sometimes better than me being exceptional at one particular path. My intuition is strong and I try my best to follow it.
When I was younger, and you do this when you are younger. You see yourself doing this awesome dream, It's really cool, you're happy and everything is great. But as I've gotten older I've become more interested in many more branches of the creative tree. I just want to make things in all these areas and say what I want to say, but sometimes curiosity does kill the cat, and you can become swamped in your own "analysis paralysis". You then end up not doing anything in your creative endeavours, you are then ultimately wasting the time you have here to say and do what you want to do.
We have all the tools nowadays to create whatever we want and that vast scope of so much potential can be daunting, but I'd rather say I tried, than die regretting that I didn't. I think the thing to remind ourselves with, is that you'll never know, this is what Gary Vaynerchuk says:
"That knowing what the right decision is at the time you are making the decision is humanly impossible".
Anyway, the gist of this post was to force myself to write something, I think I have achieved that. It's a bit all over the place but so is my mind. So write what as your title in a notepad or journal and see what you surprise yourself with.