A Mental Health Trick.
A mental health hack with a pen and a notepad.
If you, (like many) struggle with your Mental Health, and especially with stress which nine times out of ten is the root of all your problems, then here's a trick that may help you calm your frantic mind. This can help to slow the brain down from perpetuating fearful thoughts and worries, that may manifest themselves as Anxiety or Depression.
I can't guarantee that this will work, but this combined with journalling and the other mental health hacks below, will act as a good basis for helping you through the present moment. Getting your thoughts onto paper really helps to free up space and let the mind breathe.
From the depths of my social media scrolling, within the procrastination station of what many call "doom scrolling". I stumbled upon, (or shall I say it appeared on my Tik Tok for you page) a mental health hack that I thought I would share with my readers. I find that the Tik Tok community can be an incredibly insightful place, where people can come together to facilitate knowledge and wisdom between each other, in doing so creating little hubs on particular subjects.
My Tik Tok for you page is full of videos on useful skills (that I recommend you learn going into 2022) with wood, growing food, survival, crypto and NFT videos, the list of interests goes on and on. A video by Rob Moore & Ollie Ollerton showed up on my for you page.
This video spoke about a mental health trick that you can do really quickly on a piece of paper, with a pen and a notepad. It goes something like this:
- Write down all your worries onto paper, everything you're thinking about thats taking up energy and stress in your head.
- Cross out the things on this list that you can't control.
- And then deal with the ones you can control.

Other Mental Health Hacks:
- Getting in the gym does wonders for your mental health. If you can't go to a gym due to membership prices or money struggles, think of alternatives to the gym like a routine walk or cycling everyday.
- Mindfulness practices are things that can be implemented into your day, such as meditation or wim hof breathing exercises for example.
- Relaxing the shoulder and pelvic floor muscles are two very easy and impactful ways of improving your mental health. If these two muscle areas remain tense, it becomes the perfect environment for stress to reside within the mind, if the physical is relaxed, the mental can be too.
- I know that dancing is a great way to get your spirits up, so make sure to socialise with friends, listen to your favourite songs, bands or albums, and dance the night away. Music + Movement = Medicine